The CHE Net is a network of supportive individuals that includes the CHE faculty,
professional staff, and student staff. The sole purpose of this network is to support
CHE participants.
The entire UNC community also plays an active role in contributing towards the students’
academic success. We believe that in working together we can better help support our
students with issues that may affect their academic success.

The CHE director provides an additional layer of support to all program participants. The director advocates for those students needing further assistance with concerns regarding housing, finances, academics, or personal needs that may affect the student's ability to remain in college.
Front Desk Staff
The CHE front desk staff is your first point of contact when you walk into the CHE office. They help you get connected to the resources that you need here in CHE and they are the link to other members of your CHE Net (advising, tutoring, faculty). All CHE front desk staff members are also students in the CHE program, so they are excited to welcome you and support your success. Stop into the front desk anytime Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm or contact 970-351-1905 to schedule appointments.
Academic Advisors (full-time staff)
The CHE Academic Advisors provide individualized support to help participants navigate issues, as needed, around their academics, personal, financial, and/or living arrangement. Our CHE junior and senior participants are assigned to a CHE academic advisor through the duration of their enrollment at UNC. The upper class CHE students are required to meet two or more times each semester with their assigned CHE advisor and attend 2-3 workshops per semester.
Peer Advisors
Our first-year and sophomore CHE/SSS program participants are assigned to a CHE Peer Advisor who are upper class CHE participants responsible for providing personal and practical academic support services. The Peer Advisors play a significant role in assisting their assigned students with their academic planning, financial aid, scholarship information, registration, transitioning to campus life, and accessing appropriate campus resources.
The CHE freshmen participants are required to meet with their assigned Peer Advisor six or more times per semester and attend 2-4 workshops per semester. Our goal is to establish a life-long relationship with our
CHE participants within their first year.
As sophomores the student is required to schedule to meet with their assigned Peer Advisor three or more times each semester through the duration of their graduation and attend 2-4 workshops per semester.
The CHE Peer Advisors also serve as a student advocate; they are a significant contact person who contributes to a caring and supportive campus climate to our CHE participants. For any questions regarding the Peer Advisors, contact Flora Powells at 970-351-2393.
Peer Tutors
As long as you are a CHE participant, if you need any help with a writing assignment in English courses or other courses
(within your majors), then make an appointment to meet with one of our CHE English
Peer Tutors. Our CHE Peer Tutors are eligible for national certification through the
College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA).
To schedule a tutoring appointment with a CHE Peer Tutor you may stop by the CHE
main office (Michener L116) or call 970-351-1905 to make an appointment. Our front desk staff will be more than happy to assist you.
For any questions regarding Peer Tutoring services contact Cynthia Mitchell at 970-351-2131.
The CHE faculty are an additional support system for CHE participants, they teach courses for the first year students, the courses include: ENG 122/123, ET 100, UNIV 101, and LIB 123. The CHE faculty are available, in and out of the classroom, to help further assist CHE participants to achieve their academic goals. We highly encourage CHE participants to establish a good relationship with the CHE faculty, including their program faculty, as they will become part of their career network.
In-House Psychologist
CHE is very fortunate to have staff psychologist, Dr. Lee Shefferman (goes by Dr. Lee) available to meet with CHE participants (by appointment only) who wish to seek out this service. Dr. Lee is available eight hours a week in the lower level of Michener Library. Contact the UNC Counseling Center at 970-351-2496 to schedule an appointment, when you call identify yourself as a CHE participant so they will know to schedule you directly with Dr. Lee. All information shared is confidential.
Peer Mentors
The CHE/SSS Peer Mentors are upper class CHE participants who volunteer to help new CHE participants navigate a successful transition to the UNC campus and
life as a college student. The Peer Mentors are responsible for helping find campus
resources, providing mentoring and additional support services to their assigned CHE
first year participant.
The CHE Peer Mentors also serve as a significant contact person who contributes to
a caring and supportive campus climate. For more information on the CHE Peer Mentoring
program, contact Germay Tesfai at 970-351-1387.
Peer Lab Consultants
The CHE lab consultants are upper class CHE participants hired to help you navigate
technology issues with any of the computer lab’s software and other available technologies
supported by UNC. The lab consultants are more than happy to answer your questions
about software, or general questions regarding academic support.
The CHE Peer Lab Consultants also serve as role models to other CHE students, so stop
by the CHE Computer Lab and introduce yourself.
If you have any questions regarding the CHE computer lab please contact the ET Coordinator
at 970-351-2996.